Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Attendance from 23rd May 2020.


23rd may:(1st day)attended case discussion of paraparesis - symmetrical b/l lower limb weakness with sensory deficit.

24th may: sunday- read about paraparesis and CNS examination in detail.

25th may:OPD day

26th may: attended case discussion on DKA. Read about DKA and causes of recurrent DKA.

27th may: attended case discussion of 55/F with hypotension hypovolemic shock secondary to acute diarrhea.

28th may: read about shock and done e log.

29th may: attended case discussion of male patient with sob, pedal edema since 1 week, anuria, hfpef secondary to ?hocm
  Read about base excess.

30th may: attended case discussion about a patient with left gluteal abscess with cellulitis with intrinsic AKI
Read about vancomycin toxicity , sepsis induced AKI

31st may: sunday - read about stroke and its management.

1st june: OPD Day

2nd june: monitoring and follow up of my unit patients.Attended rounds. Read about Diabetes Mellitus and diabetic nephropathy.

3rd june: monitoring and follow up of my unit patients.
Attended case discussion of 65/Male with quadriparesis with myeloneuropathy secondary to vertebral metastasis.
Read about spinal cord lesions.

4th june: ICU Duty- monitoring of patients .
Assisted in a pleural tap .

5th june: ICU Duty- monitoring of patients.
Assisted in an ascitic tap.

6th june: ICU Duty- monitoring of patients.
 Taken blood samples and placed iv cannula for some patients.Learnt placing a central line.

7th june: sunday - Rotational OPD Duty.

8th june: OPD Day.

9th june: Monitoring and follow up of my unit patients .
    Have seen a lumbar puncture and ascitic tap procedures done for my unit patients.
Read about the procedures.

10th june: monitoring and follow up  of my unit patients.
Attended case discussion of 55/F with abdominal distension since 2 yrs with weight loss and  massive splenomegaly.
Read about Ascitis and causes of splenomegaly.

11th june: monitoring and follow up of my unit patients.
 Attended case discussion of quadriparesis.
Read about Budd chiari syndrome.

12th june: follow up of patients.
Have seen oesophageal varices on GI endoscopy done for my patient.
Learnt about variceal ligation, shunting procedures, and liver transplantion.
13th june- pleural fluid sample viewed and discussion on the cause of loculations and possible causes of pleural effusion
14th june- casualty duty observed a patient on ionotropes and read about the various uses and types of ionotropes and the receptors they act on
15th june- discussion on diabetes and it’s relation with recurrent urinary tract infections
16th june- OPD day, saw a patient of a temporo-occipital infarct and performed CNS examination
17th june- learned about scapulo-humeral reflex and sternal reflex
18th june- took patient for an ortho referral (suspecting patellar synovitis) and dermatology (diagnosis tinea corporis and cruris)
19th june- venous thrombosis patient with diplopia and blurring of vision taken to ophthalmology for consultation with the department
20th june- discussion about arterial and venous hemorrhages and discussion on circle of willis and various symptoms associated
21st june- read about CSVT
22nd june- follow up of my patients, attended rounds, attended 2-4 session on ckd ,
23rd june- assisted in putting a ryles tube, took history of case of CVA and performed examination
24th june- acute pancreatitis patient observed and taken for ultrasound abdomen
25th june- discussed about differences in PSVT AVNRT and panic attacks & treatment, their ECG changes
26th june- ABCDEF type of management in acute pancreatitis & BISAP scoring discussed
27th june- Discussion on Acute gastroenteritis differences between bacterial and viral infections
28th june- Read about ECG changes in different types of heart blocks
29th june- Read about circle of willis and syndromes associated
30th june- OPD day, Saw a patient of hypertensive emergency and found out differences in hypertensive urgency and emergency
1st july- Attended to a patient of acute seizure episodes with right upper limb weakness with no CT brain findings
2nd july- Viewed a cushing syndrome patient and took complete history
3rd july- TIA occurring in hypertensive emergency chances and physiology of ECG wave conduction
4th july:follow up of my patients, attended 2-4 session on Aidp and read about aidp
5th july:follow up of my patients, read about brain death ,attended 2-4 class on hypokalemia case
6th july:op day , seen many op cases and a case of mi in casualty.
7th july:follow up of my patients, read about dka, attended 2-4 class on a patient with dka
8th july:psychiatry postings:psychosis. Seen a depression patient 
9th july : seen a ocd patient
10th july:seen a caseof recurrent depressive disorder with current episode of severe depression,a case of ocd
11th july:seen a case of ATPD,a case of paranoid personality disorder with moderate depression
12th july:sunday
13th july: OP day
14th july: seen cases of schizophrenia with moderate depression,organic brain syndrome.
15th july:patient with moderate depression,organic brain syndrome
16th july : seen a paranoid schizophrenia 
17th july : seen a dementia patient 
18th july: seen a bipolar disorder patient 
19th july :sunday 
20th : OP day
21st july:nephrology duty - seen cases of ckd and dialysis , monitoring of patients , assisted in a central line to a ckd patient.
22th july:Nephrology duty- monitoring of ckd patients, performed cpr to a ckd patient, took abg samples , assisted in an ascitic tap.

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